Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Love to Sew - giveaway!

I have been so involved in so many things these past couple of months, not all happy either, that I have barely picked up a needle.  This weekend I decide to hell with everything I NEED TO SEW!

So I designed a few new Nearly Nothings and throughly enjoyed myself!  This is the first one of them that I made! 

Love to Sew

Some closer views!

If you leave me a comment telling me why you love to sew, I will choose one random comment and send it, anywhere, to you with pleasure!                                                            


  1. -absolutely gorgeous Erica.
    I can´t tell you why I love to sew, I just DO and it makes me happy.
    Liebe Grüße

  2. I love sewing because it is creative, fun and best therapy ever. It also uses up my fabric and gives me an excuse to purchase more!


I love hearing what you have to say so feel free to leave me a comment (or two) and lets chat:)

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