Sunday 27 May 2012

KwaZulu Natal Quilters Guild

Yesterday, Saturday 26th, saw the May meeting of KZNQG. 

It was a good meeting with lots of people milling around buying scrumptious fabrics and ' just can't do without' notions and, as always, an excellent time to catch up with quilting friends!.  The quilts on display were awesome!!  Congratulations to all who had a quilt or more hanging!

We had a fantastic talk and slide show on Henny Stroebel's amazing (no.... there are actually no words to describe his work!) embroideries. He is from our own KwaZulu Natal and lectures at UKZN Howard College.  Do yourselves a favour and check out his work. It is well worth it!  He will be having an exhibition in Durban in November!

Glenda and Al from Amafu continue bringing out top quality fabrics to delight us all.  Love your new fabric guys! Check out their full range at

Congratulations to Janet from Tollgate Quilters Guild who entered a fabric postcard in the 'Readers Challenge' from ClothPaperScissors.  Out of all the entries from so many countries, a picture of hers was published in their May/June 2012 issue! 

Lastly and MOST importantly a BIG THANK YOU to all my loyal customers who aways support me so much!  I really appreciate it!


  1. That guys stuff was amazing!! I don't know how he has such patience!!

  2. thanks for posting about the kZNQG meeting. I checked out that fellow's site and it is amazing!! Thanks for keeping me informed as to what is going on back home. Three months to go and we willbe home.

    1. Hey there, its a pleasure! Looking forward to seeing you and catching up again!


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