Friday, 16 November 2012

Happiness is.... a trip to Cape Town!!

A couple of weeks ago my sister-in-law Jane and I flew down to Cape Town to visit family.  I haven't been there for many years and I had forgotten how truly breathtaking some of the scenery is! 


All we saw of Table Mountain. Covered in clouds the entire trip!
Waterfront scenes

Besides catching up with cousins I haven't seen in yonks, we did all the touristy stuff which was great! Jane makes an amazing 'tour guide' as she knows Cape Town and that whole area like the back of her hand!

Starting on our journey up Chapmans Peak


Robben Island was on our list of must-dos and despite the freezing weather, horrible winds and rain, rain, rain we managed to do all we planned!  Needless to say, Table Mountain was blanketed in mist and clouds the entire time we were there!

Arriving on Robben Island

One of the many guard towers

The lepers graveyard

We stayed with my cousin Colin and his wife Cherry, who made us feel so at home and were awesome hosts.  Every morning I would get a visit from the cats and dogs while still in bed... fantastic!!!

Then on the second last day, Mother Nature cast this amazing rainbow for our viewing pleasure over Somerset West!

It was an amazing trip, just too short!

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