As I sit at my computer, recovering from a bout of pneumonia, I find myself looking back on the year. It has been a BIG year for us and the end part of 2013 has been fraught with distractions.....
We are moving to France shortly and my beloved husband, friend and confidant left on 28 November and I am adjusting to living without my rock and foundation until I can join him. The most difficult part was being sick without him to reassure me and cuddle me when I was feeling sooo ill.
We re moving to Quimper in Brittany and I cant wait for this new chapter in our lives to begin together, he is doing all the spade work ahead of me and I can't help but long to be with him to go through all this together. But circumstances dictated differently. Yves is French so language for him is not an issue, but I definitely needed some brushing up so my children and I went along every Saturday for 5 weeks to Alliance Francaise to do a course. If you ever need or want to learn French, I can recommend doing it this way. We had such fun!
Anyway, enough of feeling sorry for myself, but this is why I have been so quiet for so long.
Back to business ... more postcards. Our year of sharing these is over now and these are the last ones.
Organza is the pits to work with!!!
Received - Bubbles
Thanks Faith, I love it!
Sent - Landscapes
Received - landscapes
Arlene, it is stunning!
I love your postcards xx